Friday 1 April 2016

Beginning to Respond

Choose a short passage from your novel that made an impact on you as you read it, that made you stop and think maybe even say "Oh wow" to yourself.  It may have made you stop and think because you made a personal connection. It may have made you wonder and ask a question. It may have made you react in some emotional way to the words on the paper.  In your response, quote the passage and list the page number that it can be found on.  Explain, in detail, why you chose this passage, what reason did you have that made you stop and think or had you reacting in some way. Include your feelings and emotions as well as state any connections you made (text to self, text to text, text to world). An example  from another novel of how to start is this:

 "Big signs were posted at the pool saying"No Jews or Dogs Allowed". pg 14
As I read this passage I couldn't believe that this could happen. How could the Jewish even be compared to dogs?"


  1. Was it a strange joke of Uncle Peter's? Sending us a box full of ashes? Pg 32
    This was so wrong to read because the Nazis actually had the guts to send Uncle Peter's ashes. That is so wrong because the fact that they may get killed means that the ashes mean nothing. Why does this happen in something so big. We are Talking WW2. Do you think this is cruel or was it okay? Please tell me

    1. I agree with you Hotdog, what if someone looks like a Jewish person, but is of a different culture? It makes no sense!

    2. I think this was a terrible thing to do to a family but I also think that it might have been a nice gesture. I think that it was terribly cruel because, well, they killed Uncle Peter. I also think the Nazis might have had good intentions by sending back the ashes. Sure a letter would have told them he had been killed, but if the family wanted to spread his ashes or hold some sort of ceremony, they were given the opportunity. But overall I think the Nazis were very terrible.

    3. @CourtneyS I think you may be on to something. This was a cool thing that you found this, but what if it was a threat. What if the Nazis have the feeling as if they used it like you are a Jewish person and we sent you the ashes because you will not have change to deploy them when you are dead. You may still be on to something.

    4. I never thought of that NovaSpec, sending the ashes back could have been a threat. Now that I think of it not soon after Uncle Peter's ashes were sent back Daniel and his family were sent to their fist concentration camp. Do you think that the Nazis ever felt any guilt from what they did to Jewish people?

    5. @CourtneyS Yes they probably do feel guilty, but they liked Hitler's reason to bring back Germany to its original state. Maybe the Nazis wanted to keep on going with Hitler's war plan and in order to live they needed to kill these people. What do you think?

    6. I was so shocked to read that.The Nazis have some nerve to send someones ashes to family members of the person that they killed. I was really mad and sad when I heard this because I loved Uncle Peter He was My favourite character.

    7. @NovaSpec I think that Hitlers plan to make Germany "good" again is terrible. The way he thinks that the perfect race is a person with blonde hair and blue eyes is ludicrous. If everyone was the same race there would be no interesting people in the world. Everyone would be the same and no one would be unique in anyway shape or form. I think that one way that makes to world such an amazing and unique planet is that there are many different religions, personalities and languages. What do you think about the Aryan race? Do you agree that it would have been a perfect world if everyone had blonde hair and blue eyes and all practices the same religion?

    8. @CourtneyS No one in this world is perfect. Everyone is special in some way shape or form. Some have black hair. Some have darker skin tones then others, but at the end of the day we are all a human. If we all practiced the same religion then no one would be any more special then another. Everyone would he the same in one way o the other. So what do you think made Hitler so special and why did he say these things when he too is also black haired, brown eyed?

    9. @NovaSpec527 To me this makes no sense. The fact that Hitler himself is not blonde hair and blue eyes and he thinks that is the perfect race is pretty much saying that he himself was not perfect. I don't now where he got the idea that the people with those specific features are perfect. If Adolf Hitler was black haired and brown eyed it would make sense that he thinks that is the perfect race. Maybe when Hitler was younger all he wanted to be was blonde haired and blue eyed and that was all he wanted to be so that is why he tried to create the Ayran race. How do you think Hitler developed the desire to create a race that was just made up of blonde hair and blue eyed people?

    10. @CourtneyS He was a very crazy man, but what you said about him wanting to be blonde hair blue eyed made me think. Why would he even want to be blonde hair blue eyed though I know this is short. but what do you think was his reason to call blonde hair blue eyed people perfect?

    11. @CourtneyS He was a very crazy man, but what you said about him wanting to be blonde hair blue eyed made me think. Why would he even want to be blonde hair blue eyed though I know this is short. but what do you think was his reason to call blonde hair blue eyed people perfect?

    12. @CourtneyS I think that his mom was maybe blonde hair, blue eyed, and beautiful. And since his mother was maybe beautiful then he probably wanted to be the same way because pretty people get more power and he wanted more power. What is your theory?

    13. @Novaspec Maybe the note hold that Auntie Leah read holds the key to this mystery.

    14. @RafiA. But what if it didn't. What if it was just some random piece of paper that said these are your husbands ashes? Then would the note mean nothing?

    15. @NovaSpec Why would they send a note that meant nothing? Wouldn't they send a note to them with some meaning? I think the note said how and why he died, what do you think?

    16. @Sheriff Yogurt Now that I think of it, the Nazis most likely wouldn't put too much effort into adding meaning to their note. If they wanted to tell Daniel's family about the death of Peter they wouldn't exactly dwell on it's meaning. I do think they put a little bit of background info but not much meaning.

      All in all, what do all of you guys think was the Nazi's reason for sending the ashes? I am pretty sure that It wasn't to allow a proper death ceremony because they just simply do not care about the Jews feelings. In the trains where they are transported to the camps in more books than just Daniel's story, the Nazis would just toss the dead bodies away which shows that most of the Germans have not a tad of appreciation for the Jews.

      Instead I think it was a threat. The Nazis were trying to say that this will happen to you no matter what you do.

  2. On page 11-12 Mr.Scheider said, "Now the Jews are no longer citizens, they have no rights, and soon they will no longer pollute our schools." I dont see why Germans were so against Jewish men, women, and children. Right after that paragraph, the book read, "I was torn between kicking him and throwing a desk at him, so for the moment I did nothing. He'd always been mean to me. Whenever I got an answer wrong he'd say, What can you expect from a Jew? But he'd never gone on like this before." I am just in shock because of how Mr.Schneider acted toward Daniel. And later on in this page Daniel kicked him and ran to his Father's shop.

    1. I think Daniel did the right thing even though violence isn't the answer. This is an exellent example of persecution because the teacher called him things constantly. Good job Cpt Maniac

    2. @Cpt Maniac I agree. Hitler had a such a strong influence on the Germans. And how do they pollute the schools? Other kids also get questions wrong or make distractions too, just some of the citizens are too blind to realize that Jews are no where different than the Germans.

    3. @Captain maniac13 I was also shocked at this part. How could a teacher say such horrible things. Now days, a teacher would be fired and they may even go to court if this happened, but back then it was okay. Why was it okay?

    4. @Landon McQuarrie Good point. I think that it was okay to say those things because in the book it says, "The authorities have instructed us to illustrate the inferiority of this race to you students in this way." I think this shows that teachers were instructed to tell students how "horrible" the Jewish were. They would embarrass any Jewish student in the school, like how Daniel's teacher mad fun of him and embarrassed him. Do you think the teachers actually wanted to do this? Do they regret it?

    5. @Sheriff Yogurt I think that they actually wanted to do it. If I was a teacher and I got told to make my students believe that Jews do not belong here I wouldn't listen to what they said. You don't have to convince them. They had a choice but I guess they chose to hate Jews. I wonder how Hitler convinced all of those people to hate jew. Do you know why?

  3. The part I chose to share is pg. 9-10. "Hitler wants someone to blame all of Germany's troubles on, and he's decided it will be the Jews." This is so wrong but I made a connection with Touching Spirit Bear. This may be overdramatized but Hitler was kind of like Cole in the beginning of the book in the sense that they both blamed people for there troubles. Hitler just did it in a racial way and Cole did it just because he could. What kind of sick person would do such things because the Jews are not guilty at all they did nothing to deserve having all Germany's troubles blamed on them. People hate them because of nothing.

    1. @HotdogIsme good connection with the book we are reading. Well what do you that Hitler's ruling would have been changed if his past had been better. The theory with his mother and the Jewish doctor. What if that theory was true and he thought all Jewish people are like that. Do you have any evidence support this theory?

    2. I always wondered why Hitler chose the Jews to hate and kill. But I agree what you have to say Hot DOg.

    3. @HotdogIsMe very interesting how you were able to connect Daniel's Story with Touching SpiritBear. I never even thought of the connection even after reading that part multiple times. I also agree with @NovaSpec do you have any evidence to support that theory?

    4. @NovaSpec @Courtney S There are many theories about Hitler's hatred for all Jews but none of them have direct evidence to prove them. That is why it is called a theory. But HItler does seem like one to hold grudges so that does sound like a quite probable theory to me, though I think that was just one factor. There is this one theory that sort of resinates to me which is if Hitler was tormented by a school bully who was coincidently a Jew.

    5. @RafiA. Yes you could maybe pull out evidence in a theory. There is just little evidence to support the theory. One thing we do know is that he must have had some type connection in the past with Jewish people. What do you think might have made Hitler think that Jews are bad people? Anything you think. Theory, fact, story, you choose.

  4. The passage I am going to share is on page 48-49 “I will not leave them’’ Auntie Leah replied.”You must” “I will not” She held on to their hands. Casually the officer raised his pistol and shot. First the two girls,then Auntie Leah. In the head.
    When I read that I was so angry because the Nazis think they can kill any Jew who just wants to see her family.Also the soldier didn’t show any emotion or regard for what he did I just thought that was sad because if the Nazis think they can kill other living beings just because Hitler doesn't like the Jews.That is so wrong...

    1. @RohanLal do you think that the soldiers have any emotion. I think that they were forced to do this and if they showed any emotion then they would get shot themselves. What do you think?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. @Hotdog Is Me The soldiers probably did feel emotions but if it was clear that they were feeling that way then yes they would be shot. It's probably like when you get hurt but not bad enough to cry and you get a lump in your throat. The soldiers were probably incredibly upset but they did not show it.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @NovaSpec527 I think the movie ties in because Hitler was trying to spread as much word as he could. Having articles on newspapers and adds on radios was a him trying to brain wash people that he was right. If the people of Germany kept hearing the same things over and over again they might start thinking that Hitler was right. I wonder if people look back on there life now thinking "Why did I decide that Hitler was right? Why was I on their side?" Hitler brain washed people and they weren't thinking straight, because of all the adds everywhere he made the people think he was right when really I don't think he was.

    I was shocked because I never expected that to happen. I didn't know that Hitler would go that far, playing that movie in a Jewish Community, but I guess I should have known, it is Adolf Hitler. Were you shocked when you read this passage?

  6. @CourtneyS Of course I was shocked! All of a sudden Hitler tells people to make a movie just telling that Jews are bad. If I was a Jewish person at the time I would go on a rampage of anger and it would not matter if I died or was sent to jail because that is wrong in so many ways! What would you have done to show your anger?

  7. @NovaSpec527 If I were a Jew I would join you but wouldn't your family need you to protect them? You said that you didn't care if you died or not. I would join you but I would try to make sure my family is in a safe place and they are protected from someone or someplace.

  8. Pg#92- "When we arrived on the transport," Adam said to me, "I had my little sister Anya by the hand. They tore her from me and SS threw her over to another. She screamed for me 'Adam, Adam.' Then the SS man took her little body so she was face up looking at him, and he raised his knee and broke her back. Then he threw her away onto the ground. I live only for revenge now."
    I know this is a long passage but it really struck me. She was just an innocent little kid wanting her brother so they snapped her back. Imagine the thoughts for both of them at that moment. A back break is not an instant death so she had to lie there in pain for a long time will her brother had to watch her there with a broken back. That would wreck a person to have to see that, nevertheless the child's brother. What was wrong with these people and how could one man have so much power that he could just do that.

  9. @Hotdog Is me Hotdigedydawg! If I were a jew I would of just passed it off as satire comedy, otherwise I would of moved to America by then.

  10. @hotdog I don't think they were forced to kill someone they did by themselves that is what I think. And no I don't think they were even sad.

  11. "If I had the Power of God," I said bitterly, "I would wipe the entire human race off the face off the earth. It's a complete failure. Look around us, a race of monsters." (Page 69) Wow. That was some very strong words that escaped Daniel's mouth right there. I'm not going to lie, I've had that thought before. There are so much people turning to discrimination and jealousy, leading into greater forces. The Nazis were a great example of humans, the creations of God, turning to the dark side if that is how you would put it. Hitler was the Devil, and all Germans fell into his temptations and began to discriminate Jews in hope for a better future for Germany. This is also a tactic of Isis' leader, he tries to bring the troops in using temptations, and ultimately a bit too much of our people has given into it. Luckily the world is more educated than back then so we don't have nearly as much people joining Isis as we had people joining the Nazis back then.

    1. @RafiA Yes, the things Daniel said are super harsh, but did you think why he said that? His family was tortured and was forced on a train. After that part of the book most of his family was killed. So why else would he be mad at the world? Just tell me Please.

    2. @NovaSpec Daniel was a good kid. He was of good nature and he was one for peace and justice. But on the other hand, practically all of Germany wasn't. They turned to the dark side, and discrimination was their way of life.

      One time in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, their was a man named Noah. By that time the Earth was quite populated from the descendants of Adam and Eve. Noah was a holy man and prayed, and exercised the Ten Commandments daily. But on the other hand most of the other civilians were sinning at a very disappointing rate, basically turning to the dark side. So God spoke to Noah, and told him to build an ark for there will be 40 days of flooding. Noah was to bring his family and himself, along with 2 of each animal in order to repopulate the world after the flood. Then he flood came and the human race was completely wiped off the face of the Earth. Except, of course, Noah and his family were spared due to their holiness.

      That is what Daniel wants. Even if it means him and his family not being the ones spared, he had the same beliefs as God. The human race had become a disaster spiralling out of control, so it had to be restarted.

  12. "She killed herself a month later, just after my thirteenth birthday. She saved up the sleeping pills they gave her each night. One evening, she took them all, went to sleep, and never woke up." pg.29

    While reading this, I was heartbroken, although this isn't my grandma, it's upsetting to think that someones family member killed themselves. In the book Daniel's family has already started to become poor, slowly realizing that they have no where else to go. No other country in Europe wants more than a couple of Jewish families, even the United States. His family is trapped in a country that started the hatred towards Jews. While all of this was happening, Daniel's grandma couldn't take it anymore, she feared what her life would become if she continued to live. Once Daniel turned thirteen, a month later his grandma killed herself, in an attempt to die peacefully, rather than the slow and torturous death that would soon come their way. Do you think it was a better alternative than dying in the concentration camps?

    1. @Teddy Sprinkles I understand why his grandma would do such a thing but maybe things would have gotten better for the family suicide is not a good thing you can't just kill your'e self because you are afraid of facing struggles. what are your'e thoughts and opinions?

    2. @Teddy Sprinkles, I would actually do what Daniel's grandmother had done if I was tired of living, if I was scared, but wasn't she scared of dying. I am afraid to say this but I had an issue and I wanted to do something but was to afraid. I felt like I was being tortured and felt tired. I think what Daniels grandmother did was the right thing, she wanted to die peacefully and I think she did because she died the way she wanted to. The soldiers would have killed her either way and the concentration camps are the worst way to die. I don't think anyone really wanted to die in the concentration camps but most people gave it a try.

    3. @Teddy Sprinkles I think that this is a better way of dying for two reasons, one because she chose how and when she would die, not unexpected or torturous murder, and two, she didn't suffer or feel any pain. I also think that this way of her dying was sadder because when people die in the concentration camps, the families are normally emotionless because they are numb to death. At this point, death wasn't as frequent so it was more sad and shocking. What do you think?

    4. @Ninetail Fox @Tina Karami, I think that it was a brave yet cowardly act upon herself. She willingly killed herself so that she didn't have to face her own torturous death that may be the same as Uncle Peters. Although killing yourself just because you're afraid of what's ahead isn't a good reason to kill yourself. If your miserable and your life is going nowhere and you just feel like giving up, you still have to push through the pain, because if today was terrible, than tomorrow will be better. Do you think it was a reasonable thing to do if she knew that she would die in a concentration camp?

    5. @TeddySprinkles After I finished the book, I think that Daniel's grandma made a good choice. I know I sound stupid, but most of the women would probably be dead if she went to the other camps. Do you guys think that the grandma made a good choice? Do you think she would have survive?

    6. @TeddySprinkles After I finished the book, I think that Daniel's grandma made a good choice. I know I sound stupid, but most of the women would probably be dead if she went to the other camps. Do you guys think that the grandma made a good choice? Do you think she would have survive?

    7. @Too much names to say
      I am pretty sure she made the right choice and she would of died way more terribly by the Nazis. This reminds me of a quote from the book In My Enemy's House, " I often thought of different ways to kill myself. After all, I was going to die someway, wouldn't it be better to do it my own way?" I wonder if thats what Daniel's Grandma was thinking.

    8. @TeddySprinkles

      I think the Grandma made a good choice. Would you rather die a peaceful death, go to bed and never wake up, or be gassed to death? Knowing what happened to the women, children and elderly people, as sad as it is, the grandma made the right choice.

    9. @Novaspec527
      I doubt that she would have survived. She is old and a women, which if you were being sent to a concentration camp, isn't the best. But she could've at least had hope, hope that she'd live for as long as she could. Although you may be right, if I were her, I would keep on living and continue to see what happened. What do you think?

  13. @ Tina your'e absolutley right they are crazy maniacs attacking a people because they are a Jews what is wrong with Jew's they did nothing wrong The nazis are just anti semitic humans. I think they solders are not being forced to kill because hitler is one person and the solders are millions of people so if they didn't want to kill they could easily say no because without they people hitler is nothing and has no power. Hitler is just decieving the people and telling all theses crap and lies about Jews.

    1. @Ninetail Fox I think that your right but why didn't the soldiers just quit when they know what they are doing is wrong? Why didn't they try to put an end to it? At the end of the war some soldiers ran away because they didn't want to get punished for what they did but I would kill myself if I had done such a thing. I don't understand why Hitler was chosen as president did he lie to the people? Did they know he was lying?

    2. @Rafi A. I understand that but what made the soldiers want to kill, if they saw what they were doing was wrong then why id they choose to do it? Although there might be a reason they were doing it, was it their job? Would you chose to do it? Would you risk your life in killing someone else?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Well, I guess most of the SS guards did have some darkness inside them in order to kill all the Jews whilst not rethinking, and the idea of their salary and making Germany great again fuelled them even more. Though the amount of the Germans with darkness inside really is unfathomable to me. At the Nazi party's peak they had 8 million members, which was 10% of Germany's whole population. But those were the Nazis, not the SS guards who tortured and killed people at the death camps. I couldn't find the total numbers of SS guards, though.

    5. @Rafi A. I think that your right. Some of the soldiers had darkness but they know what they are doing, the soldiers know that they are signing up for killing people that is the job of a soldier. I wonder what could happen today. I wonder where there is a war going on. Is there a war going on currently? I bet lots of people have lost their jobs and homes, I find it so heart breaking.

    6. @Tina Karami Unfortunately there are quite a bit of wars going on, such as the one with Isis in Syria and Iraq. It is really sad how Isis is trying to take over Syria, ruining peoples lives by taking their city. Even the air bombs that some countries shoot can mistakenly target important places. I have relatives who live in Syria, including one who is only around 8 years old. But luckily, the area they live in (a city called Latakia) has yet to be attacked by Isis and doesn't seem to be on Isis' bucket list of destruction.

    7. @Rafi A. I think your right. Isis is not doing the right thing but they know they are doing it. This reminds me of my mom she says, "It doesn't matter what school you go to but it matters what decision you make." It is very powerful because it's all about you. YOU choose what YOU do. YOU decide what YOU want to destruct. YOU choose your consequences. We need to remember what happened in the past so it doesn't happen again and even though I don't like Jews or whatever I shouldn't convince people that they are bad because it turns out that I am the bad guy.

    8. @Tina I totally agree with you. It just isn't right to bribe people into your way of thinking, which is exactly what Hitler did with the promise of making Germany great again.

      @Ninetail Fox
      That link doesn't work (:
      On a more serious note Isis is trying to dominate territory in Iraq and Syria which are two countries that are right next to each other, but they wage a lot of random terrorist attacks in different countries like the devastating one in Paris or the recent one in Brussels, Germany. Most of the major countries are doing air attacks with bombs such as America and France. Canada used to do these air attacks on Isis under the Harper government but the new leader Justin Trudeau has cancelled them. Currently their in Syria most of the time but they do scatter random attacks on different countries. And yes, unfortunately they are killing innocent people but at a more kind rate than the Nazis.

    9. @Tina I totally agree with you. It just isn't right to bribe people into your way of thinking, which is exactly what Hitler did with the promise of making Germany great again.

      @Ninetail Fox
      That link doesn't work (:
      On a more serious note Isis is trying to dominate territory in Iraq and Syria which are two countries that are right next to each other, but they wage a lot of random terrorist attacks in different countries like the devastating one in Paris or the recent one in Brussels, Germany. Most of the major countries are doing air attacks with bombs such as America and France. Canada used to do these air attacks on Isis under the Harper government but the new leader Justin Trudeau has cancelled them. Currently their in Syria most of the time but they do scatter random attacks on different countries. And yes, unfortunately they are killing innocent people but at a more kind rate than the Nazis.

  14. @ tina he lead the people to believe that he was a good man and that he would help the country and make it a better place but obviously they were wrong. I don't know how the people would live with their self knowing that you did such bad things to people Hitler is just heartless. What I don't understand is why didn't the other country's step in and help.

  15. @Ninetail Fox I think your on to something. The other countries didn't step in because they didn't want to be a part of the war they knew that if they lost they could lose a lot of things and people. Hitler was a great speaker and convinced the people of Germany that he could make it a better place, is that right? I wonder how the people reacted to Hitler's actions? Did they enjoy it? I know some of them did. These are somethings you should think about.

  16. "Still, I will keep my pictures and I will tell my story. Because if we forget, we will once again be defenceless against evil"

    I think that this is an extremely important passage because it shows how much damage the Nazis did to the world. So many people lost faith in humanity at this point in time. Daniel is right. We need to remember these horrors in order to keep them from happening again.

    1. I totally agree. Well said.

    2. I agree. This is a very important passage. The Nazis did a lot of damage and no one should ever forget that. Daniel is so right, we need to remember so it doesn't happen again.

  17. @ Troy I totally agree with you, it seems like practically everyone was ill at that time. Or at least ill minded. When the teacher measured his head and said how Jews have smaller heads,"similar to the vermin in our gutters" and how they have no room for brains I practically fractured my skill due to my facepalm.

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  19. @Ninetail Fox I think that if the countries teamed up then they would loose a lot of people, jobs and their homes. The job of a president or whatever is to make sure that the country is safe, to make sure the people are safe and they are feeling safe. After Pearl Harbour the U.S I think joined thew war and Hitler realized that he was going to lose so he started trying to clean up the mess he had made but did it work? If the U.S had joined the war earlier they could have lost but what do you think, if you were the ruler of a country would you join the war and risk your country and other innocent peoples lives for winning?

  20. Page 29:

    "She killed herself a month later, just after my thirteenth birthday. She saved up the sleeping pills they gave her each night. One evening, she took them all, went to sleep, and never woke up."

    When I read this little paragraph in the book, I felt sad. But I understood why the grandma did it. At the time, the war was bad, but not as bad at was going to get. Knowing how the women, children and elderly people had to die (either be gassed, tortured or shot) I understand why she did it. Would you rather take you own life by just going to bed and never waking up again? Or would you like to be told you are going to have a shower but you're actually being gassed? It's horrific how these people died but I guess thats what Hitler wanted.
    What do you guys think?

  21. Oh I would not do that I know understand what you mean but can't they drop a nueclear bomb on the country their has to be something other countries can do to help. Oh if the people wanted to live so badly why didn't they fight back what about the cops they had guns and those things where were they when it all happened.

  22. @NovaSpec527 That is a question that I would have to ask myself many of times before I get the true answer, but I can tell you what I wouldn't have done. I would not have ran for President or Chancellor to kill the entire population of that religion. The word hatred is an understatement. I think that Hitler was a psycho. I don’t think I would show my anger, I would try to keep it to myself. First of all, I would try to never brew such a strong hatred for any reason against any group of humans. If I were in the position that the Jews were in I would try to move out of Germany or Europe. I would try and get away from the problem as soon as I could. How do you think one human can brew such a strong hatred against a different group of people?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @Ninetail Fox I don't think you understand just yet, let me explain it in another way. There once lived a young man who had a hatred for Jews. Their country was very small and had very little power. The young man had some good and bad ideas but the people loved his ideas. When he becomes the president he dictates the country, not democratic anymore. Then he begins a war to kill Jews. Other countries knew that if they joined in they would loose lots of people, land and they would loose power. Would you want to loose power? After all the Ruler killed himself because he knew he had to live through consequences. If you had land would you risk your community for your choices, they'll hate you and you'll face many challenges.

  25. @Novaspec A rampage of anger is what Germany deserves but a little too excessive for me, due to 2 reasons. Firstly, what Hotdog said your friends and family would be really sad if you died and would need you to care for them. Secondly, once upon a time on November 9th, 1938 a Jew named Herschel Grynszpan had had the same ideas as you, and decided to shoot and kill-to murder- a Nazi officer named Ernst vom Rath. The Nazis went on a violent rampage, destroy synagogues and Jew owned businesses all across the country and eventually killed 91 or more Jews. The death and vengeance of that one man ended up in the death of almost a hundred of his own and the destruction of many of their own buildings.
    This night went on to be titled Kristallnacht, or as we call it, the Night of The Broken Glass.
    But even though this was a loss for the Jews, the Nazi party totally deserved this.

  26. Oh I forgot about that he has so much power over the country he is like the president and people have no other option but to follow his rules. That is the worst mistake people have ever made in History.

  27. @Ninetail Fox Finally! People had a choice but he was very persuasive and lots of people like his is ideas. People didn't think he was going to start a war and they were going to loose again. I wonder if Hitler knew what he was doing was wrong, did he know that killing was bad or did he find out when he started to loose?

  28. I think he is honestly mentally ill because i have never met a person or hear of a person who had so much hatred for a people who did nothing wrong their is still many mysteries of Hitler that are not found out yet so i think he is mentally ill.

  29. @Ninetail Fox Well I just think it is the decision he made and he knew he was making a mistake he just didn't do anything because he thought, oh, I have the most power I can do anything I want!! But it turns out he kills himself.

  30. Page 25
    "she killed herself a month later" As I was reading this it made me upset in a way because I totally disagree with someone taking their own life just because the fair what is going to happen in the future. What if after she died it got better like some one bombed the Nazi soldier or they surrendered to another country. Then she would have taken her life for nothing which is just a stupid thing to do. But probably she knew that life was not worth living now because she would not have survived anyway so i guess it kinda made sense to kill her own self but it's just sad that someone has to be put in that situation.
